
task sorbent

for effective and easy
removal of oil spills from
water and solid surfaces

Water treatment

Open waters, harbors, elimination of the consequences of natural disasters and maritime accidents, and treatment of zenz water, elimination of tank unsealing;​

Disposal of traffic spills

Road rescue and fire protection, traffic accident recovery and oil spill disposal, including by fire protection units
Meets the requirements of the ADR agreement;​

Disposal of spills in industry

Disposal of spills in the mining and petrochemical industries,prevention of environmental contamination;​

Disposal of spills in workshops

Automotive and repair workshops,
garages, transport bases, fuel and oil warehouses, laboratories​

Liquidation of spills of machinery breakdowns​

Liquidation of spills at the breakdown of machinery and other oil and petroleum pollution protection of drainage and sewage;​

Industrial spill removal

Buildings, floors and industrial spills, removal of oil spills and leaks, protection and prevention of contamination of storm and wastewater drains

Removal of fuel spills​

Gas stations, transportation bases; removal of fuel
and engine oil spills;

RE-ABSORBENT OIL granular for collecting oil and oil-based contaminants from solid surfaces and water surfaces.

It was created by deep recycling of PUR polyurethane foam, which was recovered from refrigerators recycled at the Polska Korporacja Recyklingu WEEE Processing Plant.

Sorbent is one of the recovered 100% recycled materials.

Properties of Re-Absorbent Oil

Bulk density equal to
53 g/l
Buoyancy of (does not absorb water)
Oil absorbency
Content of grains with d>4 mm less than
0 %
Content of grains with d<0.125 mm less than
0 %
It decomposes above
0 °C

CNBOP-PIB certificate of approval no: 4740/2022
Certificate No. NIZP PZH-PIB: F.FT.60114.050.2022
Expiration date of the certificate: 27.05.2025

Our sorbent is certified by NIZP PZH-PIB* and has a certificate of
CNBOP-PIB** certificate of approval.

* – National Institute of Public Health
** – research institute of the State Fire Service (PSP)