Polska Korporacja Recyklingu commitment to the environment includes activities aimed at, among other things, promoting selective waste collection and contributing to reducing emissions of waste electrical and electronic equipment into the environment. Its innovative use of polyurethane foam from recycled refrigerators is an example of a sustainable and cost-effective way to produce sorbent materials for environmental remediation. The resulting sorbent can be used to remove a wide range of oil and petroleum-based contaminants from water and solid surfaces, helping to reduce environmental contamination and improve public health.
By working together with scientific institutions, such as Lublin University of Technology, we are able to achieve a great deal by contributing to the initiation of change, educating the public, thus becoming a part of Stowarzyszenie Program Czysta Polska established by Mr. Zygmunt Solorz to publicize and promote the most important actions and topics related to ecology.
An example of this is episode No. 114 of the Program Czysta Polska (the material starts at about minute 16.10) showing, among other things, the involvement of the scientific community (Lublin University of Technology, Prof. Tomasz Klepka) in the development of ecological solutions, in cooperation with, among others, a company that promotes and has environmental protection as part of its business profile, which is the Polska Korporacja Recyklingu, the region’s largest Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Processing Plant in Lublin.
A few words about the cooperation between Polska Korporacja Recyklingu and Lublin University of Technology.
The cooperation with Lublin University of Technology began in 2022 on the basis of combining a production plant with a scientific unit.
Cooperation between the parties concerns the conduct of joint projects, research agendas and research and development work and industrial implementation in the development of technologies for raw material recovery and waste recycling processes. It also includes the implementation of cooperation in the field of popularization of activities in the field of waste recycling, including the idea of so-called “urban mining” for resource conservation. Among other things, within the framework of cooperation with the department, the mechanical properties of recycled plastics, i.e. the so-called “re-granulated” technical polymers, have been studied and analyzed from a scientific point of view.
We hope that the fruit of the above-mentioned cooperation will result in further innovative solutions/products, which will be introduced to the general public contributing to even greener solutions.
Such a recent innovation and invention of the Polska Korporacja Recyklingu is the ultra-light and super-absorbent (600%) new Sorbent Re-absorbent oil, which is produced from polyurethane foam! The 100% recycled sorbent is now available on the market under the trade name Re-Absorbent Oil.
The product received the Grand Prix at the InnoWings 2023 International Exhibition of Inventions and Technology and was awarded the Circularity of the Year Award of Klaster Gospodarki Odpadowej i Recyklingu– Krajowy Klaster Kluczowy