We would like to announce that the process of evaluating the competition applications submitted to the “Best Solutions for a Closed-Circuit Economy” Competition has been completed. At the same time, we are very pleased to convey that our solution was among the winners of the competition. We are extremely happy about this!
The list of Winners of the competition has been published at https://www.parp.gov.pl/component/site/site/Konkurs-GOZ.
The award in the “Najlepsze rozwiązania Gospodarki o Obiegu Zamkniętym (GOZ)” solutions category for the Polska Korporacja Recyklingu in the amount of PLN 20,000 was financed from the funds of POIR sub-measure 2.4.1 “Center for analysis and piloting of new inno_LAB instruments”.
The RE-ABSORBENT OIL product was recognized for its innovation and effectiveness in environmental protection and closed-loop economy.
RE-ABSORBENT OIL is a sorbent with a low bulk density, 600% absorbency and almost 100% buoyancy, which is perfect for collecting oil and oil-based contaminants from solid surfaces and waters. Thanks to its effectiveness and ecological properties, RE-ABSORBENT OIL contributes to the reduction of pollutant emissions into the environment and supports the efficient management of natural resources.
The winner of this competition, the Polska Korporacja Recyklingu, has for years been committed to protecting the environment and seeking innovative solutions for a closed-loop economy. The award is extremely important to our company and confirms our commitment to sustainable development.
We would like to thank you for the award financed by the European Union’s funds from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program, which appreciated the RE-ABSORBENT OIL product. This is a great distinction for us and a stimulus for further environmental protection activities and the search for innovative solutions in a closed-loop economy.
The results of the competition are available on the GOZ Competition website and on the PARP website.

GOZ Competition: https://www.parp.gov.pl/component/site/site/Konkurs-GOZ
PARP News: https://www.parp.gov.pl/component/content/article/85170:znamy-zwyciezcow-konkursu-na-najlepsze-rozwiazania-goz
Thank you for the award and we wish you continued success in creating innovative and sustainable solutions in the area of closed loop economy.